Defend your territory on Mars as the Utans

Have you played The Utans' amazing great tower game about defending Manvas with limited resources? This Gogy 3 online game has a total of 12 levels, all of which focus on defeating the enemies' attacks. Depending on the phase, you will have to complete various tasks, all with the goal of constructing a strong defensive line for your kingdom. Have fun with The Utans First, educate yourself on the various types of invasions that can be created. There are numerous options available to you, ranging from quickly dispatching your enemies to launching a brand new large-scale invasion. Because the Utans are under attack by an unknown force, they have been spotted all over Mars. Let us guide and command the villagers in this game to defend the drums that are blasting to warn the other village. Instructions: Move the troops with the mouse. Read more: Cyclomaniacs - Ride or die!